Muitzes Kill, Spring, 2013
Willow and Twig Bridge, 2007
Muitzes Kill, Summer, 2007
Gazebo, Summer, 2008 (not available)
Poppy Field, 2013
Statue Hill, Fall, 2009
Fritillaria and Twig Bridge, Spring, 2011
Yellow Fritillaria, Spring, 2009
Poplar Hill, Spring, 2010 (not available)
Apple Tree, Spring, 2009
Garden #2, 2008
Poppy Field, 2007
Garden #4, 2009 (not available)
Tall Trees, Summer, 2009
Garden #3, 2008 (not available)
Garden, 2008 (not available)
Twig Bridge, Winter, 2011
The Great Lawn, Winter, 2011
The Great Lawn Fall, 2011 (not available)
Statue Hill, Winter, 2007 (not available)